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Pure Metals

Product name:Pure Copper

Pure Copper

  Purity  99.99%--99.9999%
  ●To customer’s specification
  Manufacturing Process
  ●Processed from vacuum melting, forging, rolling, heat treatment to machining. Clean with ultrasonic cleaning equipment and vacuum sealed.
  Typical Element Analysis(Purity 6N)

Elements Max ppm, wt Elements Max ppm, wt Method of Analysis
Li <0.001 V <0.001 GDMS
B <0.001 Cr <0.002 GDMS
Na <0.005 Mn <0.001 GDMS
Mg <0.001 Fe <0.005 GDMS
Al <0.001 Co <0.001 GDMS
Si <0.005 Zn <0.005 GDMS
Cl 0.95 Ga <0.01 GDMS
K <0.01 Ge  <0.005 GDMS
Ca <0.005 As 0.01 GDMS
Sc <0.001 Se 0.03 GDMS
Ti <0.001 Ag 0.05 GDMS
Ni <0.005 Ta <5 GDMS
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